DIY Kid’s Fort From Recycled Pallets

DIY Kid’s Fort From Recycled Pallets

In this website of ours, we have recycled pallet projects for house hold, for commercial purposes, for kids, some kitchen creations especially for ladies, and even for the toddlers, we have made dog beds and houses, also a whole range of bird houses is presented. That shows our dedication to the service of whole society without any discrimination. Here in this DIY, we would be making a kids fort from recycled pallets. This kids fort is meant to provide them with some separate space where they can have all the fun. So this time spare some time especially for your kids.

Pallet Kids Fort

First of all after dis assembling a number of wooden pallets, we have made a squared frame using the pallet planks, vertically cut to size pallet planks are fixed on the basic frame with a certain sequence. And later on the spaces are filled with additional planks of pallet wood.
diy kids fort kids fort from wood pallets

So, first we ended up making a wooden deck board like frame which would be used as the base of kids fort. And now we are going to attach the pre designed walls of kids fort which carry certain spaces according to the design.
diy pallet fort

Actually the spaces left here on these wooden walls are pre measured as windows, door and other necessary portions of the kids fort. Here we see all four wooden walls erected on the board, they are bound together with nails and bonds. And rechecked with a layer og glue to ensure their durability and strength.

This is some premature and early image of our DIY project, that’s how your kids pallet wood fort would look initially. We have left pretty enough space for the passage way, also for the window on the front, and on the side we have spared the space for the ventilator.

The top of the kids fort is made in a declining pattern which make it look even classier. Huge pallet wood beams are used on the top to join both ends of the lower frame. And then the spaces are filled with relatively smaller cut to size wooden pallet planks.

On the main entrance, we have also made a shaded area which would prevent the kids from severe sunshine or rains, or this could be their little patio too. So this is how it would look like finally. You are going to need a huge supply of pallet wood planks.

Creative Ideas for Wood Pallet Playhouses

Kids FortPallet CabinsPallet FortPallet HutsPallet Kids PlayhousesPallet PlayhousePallet Playland
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