If you have old wooden pallets fences, then it is easy to modify these fences to design potting bench. This creative bench is perfect to organize your flower pots and tools for your garden. It can be designed by collecting different parts of the wooden furniture. It is particularly good to hold pots and other tools. You can give a modern look to this pallet bench by painting it or decorating it in different ways. You can choose different colors, pastel shades and other similar options for your potting bench. It will be a great addition in your garden because you may get extra storage space and organize your garden in a better way.
You need to assemble pallet wood, tools, nails and glue to join the junctions of your potting bench. Look at the images below, it is a multipurpose bench. You can use it for sitting purpose also. If you are looking for additional storage space in your garden, it will be a great choice for you. It is possible to give a unique look to your bench by adding storage drawers and racks. It is equally good for use in nurseries and home gardens. You should try it to keep your garden clean and free from clutter.