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Patio Pallets

Patio Pallets Projects, Decor your garden, outside walls with easy to make pallet diy projects.

DIY Cute Pallets Made Garden Bench

We always see cute and stylish benches placing in gardens, public parks and other outdoor areas. Somewhere fine and high quality of wood is used to make these benches. You would be surprised to know that you can construct such a cute and…

Pallets Powered Garden

Having pallets powered garden can be very good and enjoyable thing and that’s mean you are very much creative to create new and unique items from pallets wood. Pallets powered garden means you have done lots of work on pallets wood to…

DIY Outdoor Pallets Table

Pallets wood is amazing in making different types of furniture items like sofas, chairs, tables, benches, couches, garden decks and even anything you can think about creating with wood. Garden and outdoor furniture are special creations of…

Old Shed Revamp to Pear Tree Cottage

A very good looking outdoor shed is created here using pallets wood that is of pear tree cottage shape. This sort of sheds can give you lots of benefits regarding storage of your home and garden tools, plants and whatever you want to store…

Pallets Made Outdoor Bench

You may be new to just know about pallets wood and would say “What’s the use of it” but lots of people are inspiring with DIY ideas of pallets furniture along with other wooden creations. These pallets ideas exist in thousand numbers even…

Huge Oak Pallets Upcycled to Garden Deck

Nice looking pallets made garden deck can be created outside of your home if you love to spend time outside of home. This is such a good way of enjoying nature and weather. Pallets wood is being recycled and upcycled to create attractive…

Pallets Patio Deck and Furniture

Pallets wood is a particular type of wood that is being used in shipping the products then this wood is considered useless. But this is not useless as you can work with pallets wood to create such stylish and unique pieces of furniture and…

Decorative Pallets Birdhouse

Decorative Pallets Birdhouse I made for the wife using pallet wood and old license plate for roof. Hand painted of course! She loves the Americana Look ! And no we are not using it as a real birdhouse . We are animal friendly too. From:…

Crazy Pallet Teepee

My family and i have been working on this large pallet tepee this summer and it is finally complete! It is made from 70 re-claimed pallets and stands 14 feet tall. We will use it on colder day to enjoy a nice warm camp fire and seek some…

Dog House Made with Pallets Wood

This is my first ever pallets project and I'm hooked. Had absolutely no idea what I was doing but had so much fun doing it. Learning to use power tools and making something useful. Only cost me 50.00 to complete that includes my gas for…