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Patio Pallets

Patio Pallets Projects, Decor your garden, outside walls with easy to make pallet diy projects.

Kids Play Sandbox from Pallets Wood

Do you remember that smart wood sandbox that we use for the kids while they are playing outside on some sandy or muddy site? Well, this might be a stupid question for many so pardon me. I mean who on earth won’t be knowing about this famous…

Wooden Pallet Recycling Ideas

I know this wooden pallet recycling is just like an addition. It just keep getting worst with every passing day. I know my early days when I completed some early projects with wood pallet recycling, I just felt like a real macho man. This…

Pallet Boat Playhouse for Kids

Though I was always having the water phobia, but still I managed to go on boating with my parents. For some, the boating and sailing is one of the most exciting activities. Here in west we guys are so much obsessed with some artistic…

DIY Kid’s Fort From Recycled Pallets

In this website of ours, we have recycled pallet projects for house hold, for commercial purposes, for kids, some kitchen creations especially for ladies, and even for the toddlers, we have made dog beds and houses, also a whole range of…

Idea for Pallet Wooden Furniture

Our days and nights are dedicated to you guys as we always remain in the search of exploring some new pallet recycling ideas and different furniture items just to keep you guys intact. Your warm and sometimes strict feedback keeps us alive…

Pallets Made Garden Deck

We have used the pallet wood in numerous garden decor ideas already. This is the beauty of pallet wood that this could be used In all sort of furniture items for indoor and outdoor as well. The wood pallet is durable enough to tolerate all…

Patio Decor with Wood Pallets

Decoration of our patio with wood pallets have always been in limelight throughout our pallet recycling journey. I countless pallet projects we have give some awesome inspirations where we have used the pallet creations to beautify our…

Things To Make Out of Pallets

Whenever I come across some wood pallet projects I just become enthusiastic. Recycling the wooden pallets into some exciting plans has always been a pleasure for me. So we just keep bringing you guys these pallet projects frequently. Here…

DIY Pergola with Wood Pallet

Wooden pergolas are just getting more and more famous with every passing day especially in west. This is basically a garden feature forming a shaded walkway or a specified are for sitting purpose. Vertical posts or pillars that usually…

Lovely Pallet Chairs Set

Some pallet wood recycled chairs have remained our prime focus throughout our recycling journey. Despite of all the hurdles and obstacles initially we have gone all the miles in the pursuance of this wonderful journey. We have already…