Pallet Fruit Boxes Ideas

Fruit boxes are certainly meant to contain some fresh juicy fruits for you. Fruits are a vital part of our wholesome diet, they provide us with rich fibers and other necessary elements that are pretty important for a good growth of the…

Pallets Wood Balcony Furniture

The winter season is just about to come and the weather is getting cold with every passing day. So in winter season your balcony becomes more special because this is the place where you can sit and enjoy the sun shine and have a look on the…

Pallet Wooden Kitchen Cups Rack

I am that kind of person who can not literally survive without the coffee. The sort of work I do requires a lot of attention so I am always having a cup of coffee in my hands and having the sips. Other that my official work I am also very…

Pallet Dog Bed

Well, honestly speaking enough work has been done in making the pallet furniture for our homes and outdoors, landscapes and patios. Lets gear up for a new journey of making a pallet dog  bed. This would be a great surprise for your puppy,…

Pallet Playhouse for Kids

How does this idea of pallet recycled play house sound? It sounds great right? We have given you a number of pallet inspirations to work on, have you started working on them yet? If not then let me assure you, you would love making these…

Pallet Made Sofa with Table

You can not build your dream house unless it is not very well equipped with the appropriate furniture and other accessories. We spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in making our dream house. We hire professionals to bring more and more…

Wood Pallet Wine Rack

Probably my last major project till spring. 60 bottle wine rack made from a scrapped pallet found on side of road. Feet are from a chair frame. Finished with hand rubbed tong oil and three strip of scrap cedar. Created by: Jeff Davis‎ 

Recycled Wooden Pallet Patio Bench

Are you a party loving person? I am that kind of guy who always wants my patio filled with the guests. Even my wife love to arrange the parties and events so that she could socialize with more and more people. But when it comes to the…

Pallet Garden Corner Couch

Have you seen any wooden pallet recycled furniture items in your surroundings? It has become pretty trendy now days. As I mentioned earlier that I was also the one who used to spends hundreds of dollars in purchasing new furniture items.…

Patio Pallet Furniture

A patio is probably the most lively place in a house which is very well paved traditionally. This is normally used for dining purposes and also for recreational activities. Kids love to play and spend time here. Even I am literally in love…