Hand Made Pallets Garden Furniture

A great way to enjoy those warm summer days in the garden with this set of pallets garden furniture. These stylish and comfortable pallets made chairs are based on the traditional American Adirondack style they add glamour to any garden.…

Pallets Made Garden Furniture

Creating different types and forms of garden furniture is one of most common uses of pallets wood. In other words, we can say that it is specialty of pallets wood to make outdoor and garden furniture items. In given pictures of pallets made…

Pallets Wood Made Floor

Pallets wood made floor, it's done and it's gorgeous. . Love my husband and the fact That he is reliable in to do this for me, and Will do it without giving me lol Any fuss. .So glad I Went with the dark stain on this one, the pictures do…

DIY Coffee Cart Made From Reclaimed Pallets

Standard cargo trailer from Amazon. Started with the basic Aosom Cargo Bike Trailer ....about a $100 with shipping, rated up to 160lbs. Removed railing, added framing. taking the frame off was a must, I added a 1x2 boards which fit…

Pallets Made Fish Tank Stand

Here's my "brand new" 10FS pallets wood made fish tank stand! This piece of art Took me about 3 days outside of work to make. This beauty's dimensions are 11.5 "x22.5" x31.25 "! With the tank on top, it stands 45" tall! Please let me know…

DIY Pallets Big Bar Counter

Creating a big bar made of pallets wood would surely be a larger project but it is not very hard to do. Pallets recycled DIY ideas are here for you to let you make such a big wooden project with pallets wood. This big bar counter can be…

Pallets Recycled Furniture and Wall Decor

Millions of people are getting blesses with pallets recycled ideas regarding furniture making and creating stylish pieces of decoration of walls and home interior. DIY pallets ideas are easy and let you make most sophisticated furniture…

Recycled Wood Pallet Creations

My team has become so much familiar with the wood pallet creations that they just put a look on some certain wooden pallet creation and they immediately figure out that how much material was consumed here in this specific project. We have…

Chevron Rustic Farm Matching Pallets Table and Bench

This chevron farm kitchen pallets wood table and bench is made from reclaimed pallet wood. The table Measures 67x54 and the matching chevron bench Measures 47x18. The bench slides from under the table. Would really enhance the beauty of…

Pallets Coffee Table on Wheels

pallets wood made coffee table on wheels identical to the photo sent by my client. Thank you to Coraline. To achieve this kind of table all the elements have been filed, blades and blades block blocks for interior and exterior thorough…