Pallets Creations at Showroom in Malaysia

High-quality wooden pallets are used in the creation of furniture and pet houses. The white oak is typically preferred for its durability and capabilities to bear stress. The pallets can be recycled after their first use to design creative…

Herringbone Pallet Coffee Table

It may take more time to think about a unique idea for the design of a coffee table. This time, you can try herringbone pallet coffee table. This table is perfect to keep in your drawing room or living room because of its fascinating design…

DIY Garden Bench with Wood Pallets

Wooden garden bench can be designed with the help of pallet because this wood is easy to access and you can design durable outdoor pallets bench. You need a claw hammer, pallets, saw, nails and wood screws, sandpaper, varnish, stain or…

Lighting Pallets Bed Headboard with Side Table

A bed is the most important piece of furniture in your house because you need it after spending a hectic day. A comfortable bed frame is equally important for added comfort. It is not easy to afford a headboard with side table while having…

Pallets Moldable Bench Cum Table

If you want to spend some time in an outdoor location, you can’t sit without a bench. The bench is a most important one should have for home lawns, gardens and other places to enjoy comfortable sitting. The Pallets Moldable Bench Cum Table…

Pallets Made Patio Garden Set

Pallets are the strongest and creative things to recycle because you can use them to create cheap furniture. You can decorate your garden by designing a beautiful patio garden set with the help of pallet wood. Look at the following…

Pallets Made BBQ Wheeling Table

Few days back we shared one BBQ table made with pallets with pallets furniture fans, and now we are going to share another cute BBQ table that is also made with pallets wood, but its a BBQ wheeling table, so that you can move it easily. BBQ…

Pallets Wood Made Treehouse

I wanted to share our pallet project with all. What started out to be a small pallets wood made treehouse in the woods turned into a cabin!! Lol my kids LOVE IT. We have to figure out ideas for a door and windows but for the most part it is…

Meubles Palettes Salon

Bonsoir à tous Dernière réa livrée : Salon de varangue comprenant 2 canapés droits avec coffres pour rangement des mousses, 1 desserte d'angle carrée, 2 fauteuils, 1 table basse en structure métallique avec deux plateaux en lames de…

Pallets Plus Vehicle Upcycled Couch

Built this as a couch about 9 years ago with cushioned seats though the dog decided to have a taste... Rather than redo the cushion I thought I'd turn it into a bench seat using pallet wood and add a bit patina to the paint. By: Aaron…