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DIY TV Stand

Ideas for Pallet Wall TV Holder

A wall TV holder is totally different from a conventional wooden TV stand or table. This is basically a wooden installation that is fixed on the wall and the TV device is attached to it. This keeps the TV on a safe height and distance from…

Recycled Pallet Wood TV Stand

A recycled pallet TV stand is always a good idea to begin with for the beginners. And even if you are a master pallet wood crafter still you need one for your house hold. A TV set is a delicate and expensive device, you are compelled to…

Simple Pallet TV Stand Idea

Come on pallet crafters, just wake up. I have a handy plan here. I think we have had enough of some complex wooden pallet work done already, so this is the time to relax. I mean not totally, but we are going to have a partial break where…