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Dog Bed

Recycled Wood Pallet Dog Bed Houses

Last night when I was up with some garden décor idea suddenly a feeling came to my heart that we have done a lot of stuff for the people, but we must also do something for the pets too. Infact many folks were also asking a lot for some…

Pallet Made Dog Beds and Houses

A lot of work has been done on recycling the domestic wood pallet furniture items. We have gone all the miles in making the house hold furniture items for indoor, outdoor, and commercial venues as well. But now this is a high time of doing…

Pallet Dog Bed

Well, honestly speaking enough work has been done in making the pallet furniture for our homes and outdoors, landscapes and patios. Lets gear up for a new journey of making a pallet dog  bed. This would be a great surprise for your puppy,…

Pallets Wood Made Dog House / Bed

Here is my latest pallets project for a customer. This is a dog house/bed with a space underneath for dog bowls and the dog's toy chest. Made this from my stash of pallets wood.  I can't take credit for the design. A customer gave me a…